When there is an abundance of blogs, they need to be classified based on the type of subjects that are being published and what kind of readers should the content of the blog draws. Therefore, blogs can be classified according to varied approach.
According to Fitzgerald (2007), there are two types of blogs which are introspective blogs that discuss personal issues, life experiences, thoughts and reflections and whatnot; andextrospective blogs that discuss about public things, events and ideas that expand common ground. The most common method to categorize blogs is to base on subject matter such as science, political, fashion, gastronomy, art, travel, education etc. Travel and cultural blog publish guides articles focused on travel related issues, allowing travellers to chronicale their journeys and meet other travellers (Bellardo, 2010).
Some bloggers tend to incorporate images, videos and soundclips with texts in their blogs to express their ideas and thoughts better. Revell (2009), defined several types of multimedia blogs such as vlog; a blog which contains video, linklog; a blog containing links, sketchblog; blogcontaining sketches or portfolio, photoblog;blog comprising images such as pictures and photos and tumblog; blog which contents are varied.

(source: www.httpartist.com)

(source: v1.wolfslittlestore.be)
Even though there are so many ways to classify blogs, there are still unique types that are hard to identify. from the reading 'A taxonomy of blogs', the classification approach is rather formal. the types of blogs that are listed are pamphleteering blogs, digest blog, advocacy blog, Popular Mechanics blog, exhibition blog, Gatewatcher blog, the diary and news blog. In my point of view,the classifications that I know of pale in comparison to the classification in the reading as it covers a lot more dimensions such as content and style. Thus, this type of classification is more established and trustworthy as it gives bloggers a better sense of direction in producing content.
- Bellardo, M 2010, The 5 types of blogs; which one suits you best?, viewed 17 April 2010,<http://www.inkrebels.com/insp/the-5-types-of-blogs-which-one-suits-you-best/>.
- Fitzgerald, B 2007, 'Two types of blogs', Life and research notes, viewed 17 Arpil 2010, <http://blog.brentfitzgerald.com/2007/06/two-types-of-blogs/>.
- Funnel, A 2008, A taxonomy of blogs, viewed 17 April 2010, <http://www.abc.net.au/rn/mediareport/stories/2008/2372882.htm#transcript>.
- Revell, M 2009, Types, viewed 17 April 2010, <http://www.webeditorblog.com/types.html>.
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